Monday, July 16, 2007

Play Like a Child

Hello friends. Seems like I have been led by chance into the blogging world. It may take me awhile to learn how to do all that is involved, but it sounds like another way to verbalize this creative journey I am on. Thanks to Jo and to all my new-found internet friends whose wonderful contributions are inspiring me in so many ways.


Jo said...

Woohoo! Welcome to the blog world! Now you need to get some pics of your work posted...Jo

Experience sharer said...

Great name for a blog.

Wish I could truly remember why we rode our bikes around in circles, jumped rope, played jacks even.

I think it was because we were allowed. I'm not sure, but maybe that is the reason.

Do I need my Mom to allow me to play like a child now I am 58? I think I might try riding in circles with my bike soon and try to remember why I did it.